What’s so special about Jewlery made from Acorn Tops?


Acorns hold Millions of years of History.

Acorns have a long history of being used for various symbolic purposes.

  • Believed Oak trees and their offspring, the Acorn, had mysterious powers and were considered the dwelling place of fairies.

  • Druids were highly respected and wise individuals concerned with the natural world and its powers. They considered trees sacred, particularly the Oak.

  • Some historians believe the word “druid” itself comes from ‘doire’, an Irish-Gaelic word for oak tree (often a symbol of knowledge), also meaning ‘wisdom’.

  • In Ancient Celtic Tales, practitioners of Witchcraft exchanged Acorns to identify trustworthy companions during Witch Trials.

  • Believers of Norse mythology may put an Acorn on a windowsill of their home whenever there is a storm to provide protection from the bad weather. Due to Acorns relation to the Norse God Thor.

Acorn Properties

  • Good Health

    Acorns can protect against illness and relieve pain, aiding recovery when held while sick.

  • Eternal Youth

    Wearing an Acorn is thought to slow down the process of aging and influence a youthful glow in life.

  • Wisdom

    In our society, being old is a sign of being wise. Therefore, ancient Oak trees hold wisdom within their Acorns.

  • Strength During Hard Times

    Oak trees are strong ancient trees which live for hundreds of years. Their offspring, the Acorn, is said to carry the potential of an Oak. Bringing strength to the wearer.

  • Power in Perseverance

    From small Acorns grow a mighty Oak, even in times of struggle and hardship. Therefore Acorns symbolize the potential that comes from perseverance.

  • Protection From Harm

    Carrying an Acorn helps to aid in protection from evil, bad weather, and illness.

Seeds of Life

Oak Trees and Acorns…

The Oak tree is an ancient tree that has existed for over 30 Million years.

Acorns only appear on adult Oak trees.

Therefore Acorns represent:

The huge potential in small things that come with long hard labor.