About Visualiizziim

Visualiizziim is a one woman owned small business and art collection created by Isabel Mejia in 2019.

Isabel is a Mixed Media Experimental Artist with a background in various art fields, combining Nature and Technology. She Studied Art and Design at the University of Michigan- Ann Arbor.

Artist: Isabel Mejia


A Message from Visualiizziim

Currently, my focus is on creating unique Jewelry and Accessories inspired by Nature.

From 2019 until now, I prioritized both my Mental and Physical health after going through a 4 month Psychosis; which forced me to restart with life after being diagnosed with Bipolar 1 and C-PTSD. My healing journey rekindled my love for connecting with Nature on a spiritual level. Nature is vital for healing and bringing calmness into your life.

I want to share the healing energy and wisdom with others through my Acorn creations.

Collecting Acorn Tops in the Forest would bring me so much peace in times of hardship.

On my Nature walks, I started collecting rocks, plants, nut shells, and other things that caught my eye. Including Acorns which I would always find myself collecting a lot of.

Eventually, I had the idea to make pendants out of Acorn Tops, inspired by Pinecone Pendants. After I started focusing on Acorns, my life took a huge leap into self growth and improvement. Aided by the ancient metaphysical properties Acorns carry.

I originally started Visualiizziim as a platform to share my various art forms, every aspect of Visualiizziim has been created and designed by myself. Including this website and everything in it.

“Visualism “ which means;

n. The habit of visualizing; power or tendency to form visual images mentally. “

Visualiizziim is a spin off of the word

“Each Acorn creation is a "Seed" of my art that carries the healing properties of Nature and Positive Energy with every person who wears it. “

~ Visualiizziim